Home Daily Use English Sentences شکايت لگانا in English

شکايت لگانا in English

by Vocabgram

Learn how to say شکايت لگانا in English. Learning the daily use of English words and sentences is very important in order to speak fluent English in daily conversation.

To say شکايت لگانا in English we can use the phrasal verb ‘Tattle‘ or ‘Tattletale’.  Let’s make a few English sentences using the phrasal verb ‘ sleep in’. Learn all these sentences and use them in your daily life conversations.



شکايت لگانا

Shakayat lagan


تم ميری شکايت لگانا چاہتے ھو جاؤ لگا دو

Tum mairi shakayat lagana chahtay ho? jao lga do

Do you want to tattle on me? Go ahead

تم نے ميری امی سے شکايت لگائی

Tum ne mairi ammi se shakaya lagai?

Did you tattle on me to the mom?




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