Home Daily Use English Sentences 10 Spoken English Phrases With Preposition “On”

10 Spoken English Phrases With Preposition “On”

by Vocabgram

If you’re eager to take your English speaking abilities to the next level, incorporating common phrases into your conversations is key. Today, we’ll explore ten essential spoken English phrases that feature the versatile word “on.” Mastering these phrases will not only expand your vocabulary but also help you communicate more effectively and naturally in various situations. Whether you’re a language learner or simply aiming to refine your English skills, this blog post will provide you with practical examples and insights to incorporate the preposition “on” seamlessly. Join us as we unravel the power of “on” in spoken English and unlock a whole new realm of linguistic proficiency!

1.  On the contrary:


The phrase “on the contrary” is used to express a contrasting or opposing viewpoint or idea to something that has been previously stated or assumed. It is often used to introduce a different perspective that challenges or contradicts a previous statement. Here are a few examples of sentences using “on the contrary”:


“You said she was angry with me, but on the contrary, she seemed quite happy when I saw her yesterday.”

“Most people think that technology isolates us, but on the contrary, it has connected us in ways we never thought possible.”

“He claimed to be an expert, but on the contrary, his knowledge of the subject was quite limited.”

“Many believe that success brings happiness, but on the contrary, it’s often the other way around—happiness leads to success.”

“The common assumption is that money buys happiness, but on the contrary, studies have shown that there’s no direct correlation between the two.”

In each of these examples, “on the contrary” is used to introduce a different viewpoint that contradicts or challenges what was previously stated or commonly believed.


2.  On the other hand:

The phrase “on the other hand” is used to introduce an alternative perspective or contrasting point of view to what has been previously mentioned. It indicates that there is another side or aspect of the situation that should be considered. Here are a few examples of sentences using “on the other hand”:


“The movie received mixed reviews. Some praised its artistic merit, but on the other hand, many criticized its confusing plot.”

“She is incredibly talented, but on the other hand, she lacks the necessary experience for the job.”

“The new policy may result in cost savings, but on the other hand, it could also lead to a decrease in employee morale.”

“The city center offers convenience and accessibility, but on the other hand, it tends to be crowded and noisy.”

“He has an impressive academic background. On the other hand, his lack of practical skills may hinder his ability to perform well in a professional setting.”

In these examples, “on the other hand” is used to present an alternative viewpoint or to consider a different aspect of the situation that contrasts with what was previously stated. It helps to provide balance and present a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.


3.  On a side note:

On a side note” is a phrase used to introduce a tangential or additional point in a conversation or discussion. It is often used when someone wants to mention something that is related to the topic being discussed but not directly connected to the main point.


Here are a few examples of how “on a side note” can be used in sentences:


“The presentation went really well today. On a side note, I received an email from a potential client who wants to set up a meeting with us.”


“We should definitely visit that new restaurant downtown. On a side note, I heard they have a special menu for vegetarians.”


“I wanted to discuss the budget for the upcoming project. On a side note, I think we should also consider investing in some new software to improve our efficiency.”


“The movie we watched last night was amazing. On a side note, the director has won several awards for his previous work.”


“I wanted to talk about our travel plans for the summer vacation. On a side note, I found a great deal on flights to our destination.”


In each of these examples, “on a side note” is used to shift the focus momentarily to a related but separate topic before returning to the main conversation or discussion.


4.  On a different note:


The phrase “on a different note” is used to shift the focus or topic of conversation to something unrelated or distinct from what was being discussed previously. It is often used when transitioning to a new subject or bringing up a different aspect or aspect of the conversation.


Here are a few examples of how “on a different note” can be used in sentences:


“We’ve been talking about serious issues all evening. On a different note, have you heard about the new comedy show that everyone is raving about?”


“The meeting agenda covered important business matters. On a different note, I wanted to mention that we have a team-building event scheduled for next week.”


“We’ve discussed the historical background of the conflict. On a different note, let’s talk about potential solutions and ways to promote peace.”


“We’ve been talking about healthy eating habits. On a different note, I recently tried a new recipe for a decadent dessert that I think you’ll love.”


“We’ve covered the latest news in politics. On a different note, have you seen the stunning sunset yesterday? It was truly breathtaking.”


In each of these examples, “on a different note” is used to indicate a shift in the topic of conversation, introducing a new subject or aspect for discussion. It helps to transition smoothly from one topic to another, acknowledging the change in focus.


5.  On a personal note:

The phrase “on a personal level” is used to express that the following statement or comment pertains to an individual’s personal experience, emotions, or connection to a particular matter. It emphasizes a more individualized perspective rather than a general or objective viewpoint.


Here are a few examples of how “on a personal level” can be used in sentences:


“On a personal level, I feel a strong emotional attachment to this place because I grew up in the neighborhood.”


“While the statistics may show positive results, on a personal level, I’ve witnessed the struggles that people face in accessing affordable healthcare.”


“The book resonated with me on a personal level because the main character’s journey mirrored my own experiences and challenges.”


“On a personal level, I find that spending time in nature is essential for my mental well-being and overall happiness.”


“While the project is beneficial for the organization, on a personal level, it has provided me with invaluable learning opportunities and professional growth.”


In each of these examples, “on a personal level” is used to emphasize that the subsequent statement reflects an individual’s subjective experience, emotional connection, or personal perspective. It allows the speaker to express their unique viewpoint or connection to a specific matter.


6.  On a need to know basis:

“On a need-to-know basis” is a phrase used to indicate that information will only be shared with individuals who require it for a specific purpose or task. It suggests that the information is sensitive or confidential, and access to it is limited to those who have a legitimate need for it.


Here are a few examples of how “on a need-to-know basis” can be used in sentences:


“Due to the sensitive nature of the project, information will be shared on a need-to-know basis. Only team members directly involved will have access to the details.”


“As a security measure, access to certain areas of the building is granted on a need-to-know basis. Only authorized personnel with a legitimate reason can enter.”


“The company’s financial data is strictly shared on a need-to-know basis. Only executives, accountants, and auditors are given access to the confidential financial reports.”


“During the investigation, details about the case will be disclosed on a need-to-know basis. This ensures that sensitive information is not compromised and only relevant parties are informed.”


“In the military, classified information is disseminated on a need-to-know basis. It ensures that sensitive operational details are disclosed only to personnel directly involved in the mission.”


In each of these examples, “on a need-to-know basis” is used to emphasize the restricted and selective nature of sharing information. It communicates that access to the information is carefully controlled and limited to those who require it for specific purposes.


7.  On a roll:

The phrase “on a roll” is used to describe a situation in which someone is experiencing a period of continuous success, progress, or achievement. It suggests that the person is performing exceptionally well and things are going smoothly for them.


Here are a few examples of how “on a roll” can be used in sentences:


“Ever since he started his new job, he’s been on a roll, consistently exceeding his targets and receiving praise from his superiors.”


“The basketball team won their last five games in a row. They’re definitely on a roll!”


“She released two hit singles back to back, and now she’s on a roll with a sold-out concert tour.”


“The company’s stocks have been rising steadily for the past month. They’re definitely on a roll in the market.”


“After winning the first two rounds of the competition, he’s feeling confident and believes he’s on a roll to win the whole tournament.”


In each of these examples, “on a roll” is used to convey a sense of continuous success, winning streak, or positive momentum. It implies that the person or entity is performing exceptionally well and achieving notable results.


8.  On a hunch:

The phrase “on a hunch” is used to describe a situation where someone has a feeling or intuition about something without any concrete evidence or logical reasoning. It suggests that the person has a gut feeling or instinct that something may be true or worth pursuing, even though they cannot provide solid justification for their belief.


Here are a few examples of how “on a hunch” can be used in sentences:


“I don’t have any evidence to support it, but on a hunch, I think the suspect we’ve been investigating might be involved in the crime.”


“On a hunch, I decided to invest in that startup, and it turned out to be a great decision. They became very successful.”


“I couldn’t explain why, but on a hunch, I decided to take a different route to work today, and I ended up avoiding a major traffic jam.”


“She didn’t have any proof, but on a hunch, she confronted her friend about the stolen item, and it turned out her friend was the culprit.”


“On a hunch, I decided to buy a lottery ticket, even though the odds were against me. Surprisingly, I won a small prize.”


In each of these examples, “on a hunch” indicates that the person is relying on their intuition, instinct, or a feeling they have, even though there is no concrete evidence or logical explanation for their belief or decision. It suggests a willingness to trust one’s gut feeling and take action based on that inner conviction.


9.  On a whim:

The phrase “on a whim” refers to doing something spontaneously or impulsively without much forethought or planning. It suggests that a decision or action is based on a sudden urge or whim rather than careful consideration or rational reasoning.


Here are a few examples of how “on a whim” can be used in sentences:


“I booked a trip to Paris on a whim. I saw a great deal online and couldn’t resist.”


“She decided to try skydiving on a whim, even though she had never considered it before.”


“He bought a new guitar on a whim, inspired by a random desire to learn how to play.”


“We decided to go to the amusement park on a whim and had a fantastic time.”


“She changed her hair color on a whim, spontaneously wanting a fresh look.”


In each of these examples, “on a whim” indicates that the decision or action was impulsive and not based on careful planning or logical reasoning. It suggests a willingness to embrace spontaneity and follow sudden desires or urges.


10.                   On a silver platter:


The phrase “on a silver platter” is used to describe a situation where something is handed to someone easily, without any effort or difficulty on their part. It implies that something is provided or given to someone in a convenient or favorable manner, without them having to work for it or face any challenges.


Here are a few examples of how “on a silver platter” can be used in sentences:


“She was born into a wealthy family and had everything handed to her on a silver platter.”


“He didn’t have to work hard for his promotion; it was handed to him on a silver platter because of his connections.”


“Some people expect success to be served on a silver platter without putting in the necessary effort.”


“She was lucky to find a job in her field right after graduation, as opportunities like that don’t come on a silver platter to everyone.”


“He didn’t appreciate the value of money because he had always been given everything on a silver platter.”


In each of these examples, “on a silver platter” is used metaphorically to illustrate a situation where something is obtained or received with ease and without significant effort or challenges. It suggests a sense of entitlement or an absence of the usual struggles that others may face in similar circumstances.



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