Home English Vocabulary Advanced English words with Urdu meaning

Advanced English words with Urdu meaning

by Vocabgram

In our journey to become proficient in a language, expanding
our vocabulary is an essential step. It allows us to express ourselves with
precision and eloquence, enabling effective communication and a deeper
understanding of the world around us. If you are looking to enhance your
linguistic prowess in English while simultaneously delving into the rich
nuances of Urdu, you’ve come to the right place.


In this blog, we will explore a captivating selection of
advanced English words, accompanied by their Urdu meanings. We’ll delve into
the intricacies of language, offering you a window into the diverse and
expressive realm of vocabulary. Whether you are a language enthusiast, a
student, or simply someone seeking to broaden your linguistic horizons, this
compilation of advanced English words with Urdu meanings will cater to your
thirst for knowledge.


Each word featured in this blog has been carefully curated
to not only expand your lexicon but also to provide you with a deeper
appreciation for the beauty and diversity of language. From the realm of
science to literature, from everyday discourse to poetic expressions, you will
encounter a wide array of terms that will elevate your English proficiency to
new heights.


Through concise definitions, relevant examples, and
contextual usage, we aim to empower you with the tools to incorporate these
advanced English words into your everyday conversations, writing, and reading.
Moreover, by providing the corresponding Urdu meanings, we bridge the gap
between two languages, fostering a cross-cultural understanding and


So, whether you aspire to impress others with your
linguistic finesse, wish to explore literature more profoundly, or simply
desire to connect with fellow language enthusiasts, this blog is your gateway
to a world of advanced English words, enriched by their Urdu counterparts.


Get ready to embark on an enlightening linguistic journey,
where each word unlocks a new dimension of expression. Let’s dive into the
world of advanced English words with Urdu meanings and unlock the power of
language together.


Pernicious   نقصان دہ

The word “pernicious” is
an adjective that describes something that is harmful, destructive, or having a
detrimental effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. It implies that the
harmful nature of the thing or idea is not immediately apparent but can have
serious negative consequences over time. Here are a few sentences that
illustrate the usage of “pernicious”:


The pernicious effects of smoking
can lead to various respiratory diseases, including lung cancer.

Social media platforms can have a
pernicious influence on young minds, contributing to low self-esteem and a
distorted sense of reality.

The company’s unethical practices
had a pernicious impact on the environment, resulting in irreversible damage to
local ecosystems.

The pernicious spread of
misinformation can undermine public trust in scientific research and lead to
dangerous behaviors.

The dictator’s pernicious
propaganda machinery manipulated public opinion and suppressed dissenting

In these sentences,
“pernicious” is used to convey the idea of something harmful,
insidious, or destructive, emphasizing the long-term and often hidden

2.   Ubiquitous    ہر جگہ موجود

The word “ubiquitous” is an adjective that describes something as being present or found everywhere or existing everywhere at the same time. It suggests that the thing or idea is seemingly omnipresent, appearing or occurring in all places or situations. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “ubiquitous”:


Smartphones have become ubiquitous in our modern society, with nearly everyone owning one.

Coffee shops are ubiquitous in this city; you can find one on almost every street corner.

The internet has made information easily accessible and ubiquitous, transforming the way we gather knowledge.

In today’s digital age, social media platforms are ubiquitous, connecting people from all over the world.

The influence of technology is ubiquitous in our daily lives, from our homes to our workplaces.

In these sentences, “ubiquitous” is used to emphasize the widespread presence or occurrence of something, suggesting that it is ever-present and found in many or all situations.

3.   Tenacious         استقامت والا

The word “tenacious” is an adjective that describes someone or something as persistent, determined, and unwilling to give up or let go. It implies a strong grip or hold on something, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “tenacious”:


Despite facing numerous obstacles, she displayed a tenacious spirit and never gave up on her dreams.

The tenacious climber refused to descend the mountain until she reached the summit.

He is known for his tenacious approach to problem-solving, always finding a way to overcome challenges.

The tenacious advocate fought tirelessly for the rights of marginalized communities, refusing to back down.

The puppy had a tenacious grip on the toy, refusing to let anyone take it away.

In these sentences, “tenacious” is used to convey the idea of determination, perseverance, and an unwillingness to give up, regardless of the difficulty or opposition faced.

4.   Obnoxious       ناگوار

The word “obnoxious” is an adjective that describes someone or something as extremely unpleasant, offensive, or objectionable. It suggests behavior or characteristics that are annoying, rude, or bothersome to others. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “obnoxious”:


The man at the party was being obnoxious, shouting and interrupting conversations.

Her obnoxious behavior towards her colleagues made it difficult for them to work together.

The obnoxious odor coming from the garbage bin made the entire room smell terrible.

The obnoxious customer berated the waiter for a minor mistake, causing a scene in the restaurant.

His obnoxious jokes were inappropriate and made people uncomfortable.

In these sentences, “obnoxious” is used to describe behavior, characteristics, or situations that are offensive, unpleasant, or disruptive, often causing annoyance or discomfort to others.

5.   Tremulous       کانپتا ہوا

The word “tremulous” is an adjective that describes something as quivering, shaking, or characterized by trembling. It can refer to physical movements or emotional states that involve slight shaking or trembling due to fear, nervousness, or weakness. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “tremulous”:


The old woman’s voice was tremulous as she spoke about her past hardships.

She approached the stage with a tremulous step, her nerves evident in her shaking hands.

His tremulous smile betrayed his anxiety before the important presentation.

The tremulous leaves rustled in the wind, creating a delicate symphony of sound.

The child’s voice was tremulous as he recounted the frightening experience.

In these sentences, “tremulous” is used to describe physical or emotional states characterized by slight shaking, quivering, or trembling, often associated with fear, nervousness, or vulnerability.

6.   Plethora            فراوانی, بہات, کثرت

The word “plethora” is a noun that refers to an excessive or abundant amount of something, often implying an overwhelming or excessive quantity. It suggests an abundance or surplus that may be considered excessive or more than what is needed. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “plethora”:


The supermarket offered a plethora of choices, with aisles filled with various brands and flavors.

The company received a plethora of job applications for the open position, making the selection process challenging.

The garden boasted a plethora of colorful flowers, creating a stunning display of beauty.

The restaurant’s menu had a plethora of options, making it difficult to decide what to order.

The internet provides a plethora of information on any topic you can imagine, but it can be overwhelming to sift through.

In these sentences, “plethora” is used to describe a large or excessive amount of something, conveying the idea of an abundance or surplus that may be overwhelming or more than what is necessary.

7.   Exacerbate       مزيد بگاڑنا

The word “exacerbate” is a verb that means to make a problem, situation, or condition worse or more severe. It suggests that an action or factor contributes to the intensification or aggravation of something negative. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “exacerbate”:


The hot weather exacerbated the drought, causing water sources to dry up even faster.

His careless remarks only served to exacerbate the tension in the room.

The lack of sleep can exacerbate feelings of stress and anxiety.

Increasing taxes on small businesses could exacerbate the economic challenges they already face.

Using harsh chemical products can exacerbate skin irritation and worsen existing skin conditions.

In these sentences, “exacerbate” is used to describe the action or effect of making a problem or situation worse, intensifying its negative impact or severity. It implies that an action, condition, or factor contributes to the deterioration or aggravation of the situation at hand.

8.   Alacrity    شوق سے

The word “alacrity” is a noun that refers to a cheerful willingness or eagerness to do something, often characterized by promptness and quickness in taking action. It conveys a sense of enthusiasm, readiness, and a positive attitude towards carrying out a task or responding to a situation. Here are a few sentences that illustrate the usage of “alacrity”:


She agreed to help with the project with great alacrity, showing her enthusiasm and eagerness.

The team members responded to the urgent request with alacrity, quickly mobilizing to address the situation.

Despite the challenging circumstances, he approached his work with alacrity, always willing to go the extra mile.

The student answered the teacher’s question with alacrity, demonstrating both knowledge and enthusiasm.

The new employee tackled the assigned tasks with alacrity, impressing her colleagues with her energy and efficiency.

In these sentences, “alacrity” is used to describe the cheerful willingness, enthusiasm, and promptness with which someone approaches a task or responds to a situation. It conveys a sense of eagerness and readiness to take action.


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