Home Daily Use English Sentences 10 English Expressions and their Meanings

10 English Expressions and their Meanings

by Vocabgram

Learn 10 English Expressions with their Meanings. These expressions and phrases of English are commonly used by native speakers. It is an exhaustive list that you must write down and practice seriously. Mastering these expressions would improve your English tremendously.

1.     Dare I say it


                            Used when you are going to say something that other people may not like it



                            I am hungry but, dare I say it, the food is bland.


2. Walk a tightrope


                            To deal with a difficult situation and something bad could happen if you make a mistake Sentences:

By taking this risk, you are walking a tightrope.


3. Kiss of death


                            Something that  makes another thing a fail or disaster


            1. Commercial projects are kiss of death for creativity.

            2. Rain will be a kiss of death for my reception.


4. Rough estimate


                            An approximate estimate



My rough estimate says it will cost $2000.

5. At the best of times


                            Something is difficult even is normal circumstances


            Sale of this product is slow even at the best of times.

6. You never know


                            You can never be certain


            You never know, you might win the lottery.

 7. Go a long way


                            to be very successful


I am sure you will go a long way.

8. Go a long way towards


                            To be very helpful


            1. This medicine will go a long way toward cancer treatments.

2. All your donations will go a long way toward providing food and medicine, and shelter for flood victims.

9. When all is said and done


                            When you considered whole of the situation


            Money can’t buy you happiness, but when all is said and done, there is no free lunch.

 10. Hard and fast


                            Fixed rule


Is it a hard and fast rule to have dinner at 7:00p.m?

I hope you enjoyed learning these 10 English Expressions with their Meanings. Do watch video lesson for a better understanding of these English Expressions with their Meanings and use them in your daily conversation.

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