Home Daily Use English Sentences How to say اشارہ توڑنا in English

How to say اشارہ توڑنا in English

by Vocabgram

In today’s interconnected world, learning to communicate effectively across languages has become an essential skill. One such challenge is to express the rich nuances of a word or phrase in one language into another. Have you ever come across the Urdu term “اشارہ توڑنا” and found yourself wondering how to convey its essence in English? You’re not alone!

In this blog post, we are going to unravel the secrets of translating “اشارہ توڑنا” into English, exploring the various facets of this unique phrase. By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a clear understanding of its meaning and how to use it in English conversation. So, whether you’re a language enthusiast, a student, or someone just curious about bridging linguistic gaps, stay with us as we embark on a linguistic journey to break down “اشارہ توڑنا” and bring its meaning to life in English. Let’s dive in!

اشارہ توڑنا

Ishara Torna
Run a red light


اشارہ توڑنے پہ اسکا چالان کٹا
Ishara tornay pa uska challan kata

He got a ticket for running a red light.

More sentences:

  1. “I can’t believe he ran a red light right in front of the police officer!”
  2. “She got a ticket for disobeying a traffic signal at that busy intersection.”
  3. “Running a red light is dangerous and can lead to accidents.”
  4. “I’ve never run a red light; it’s just not worth the risk.”
  5. “The driver in the other lane actually tried to beat the red light, and it was a close call!


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Watch a video lesson for better understanding


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1 comment

GR PANHWAR December 17, 2023 - 6:04 am

Pdf should be more pages for remembering as like dictionary but your pdf has only one or two pages that’s why we need to download more pages


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