Home Daily Use English Sentences How to say يقين کرو in English

How to say يقين کرو in English

by Vocabgram

In our increasingly interconnected world, language barriers are gradually being broken down, allowing us to communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds more easily. However, there are still instances where we stumble upon unfamiliar words or phrases that pique our curiosity. One such intriguing expression is “يقين کرو,” which originates from the rich and captivating language of Urdu. If you’ve ever wondered how to convey the essence of this phrase in English, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, we will unravel the meaning of “يقين کرو” and explore its various translations, enabling you to broaden your linguistic horizons and enhance your cross-cultural interactions. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets behind translating “يقين کرو” into English!

يقين کرو

Rest assured

يقين کرو تمہارہ راز ميرے پاس محفوظ ہے

Rest assured your secret is safe with me.

يقين رکھيں کل آپکو پارسل مل جاۓ گا

Rest assured you will get your parcel tomorrow.

آپ تسلی رکھيں آپکا مسئلہ حل کر ديا جاۓ گا

You can rest assured that your problem will be solved.


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