Home Newspaper Vocabulary Newspaper Vocabulary Words -India Pakistan Deteriorating Ties

Newspaper Vocabulary Words -India Pakistan Deteriorating Ties

by Vocabgram

Recently, there has been an exchange of harsh statements between Pakistan and India’s officials. These statements are raising the tension on both sides and deteriorating the ties.
Dawn news covered this news and published an article. I have picked 13 Newspaper vocabulary words from that article and explained them in this lesson. If you are preparing for a competitive exam, this lesson will help you. Newspaper Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meaning learning this video lesson will help you read the Newspaper without any confusion.

Link to the article: https://www.dawn.com/news/1726966/deteriorating-ties?preview

1. Deteriorate       (Verb)

•       Meaning:

Become gradually worse

2. Bilateral (Adjective)

•       Meaning:

Involving two parties or countries

3. All-out   (Phrase)

•       Meaning:

Using all one’s strength and resources

4. Provocative    (Adjective)

•       Meaning:

Causing anger or similar reaction

5. Hostile   (Adjective)

•       Meaning:

Feeling or showing dislike or opposition

6. Considerably  (Adverb)

•       Meaning:

•       By a notably large amount or large extent

7. Alleged  (Adverb)

•       Meaning:

Said, without proof

8. Epicenter        (Noun)

•       Meaning:

The point on earth’s surface directly above on earthquake

9. Firmly    (Adverb)

•       Meaning:

In a way that uses strength and power

10. Aftermath    (Noun)

•       Meaning:

Consequences or after effects of an event

11. Recrimination        (Noun)

•       Meaning:

Arguments between people who are blaming each other

12. Hurl     (Verb)

•       Meaning:

To throw something with force in and angry way

13. Dispensation          (Noun)

•       Meaning:

A political, religious or social system ruling at a particular time

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1 comment

Shaukat ali April 14, 2023 - 5:13 pm

You have great knowledge of English you must be master of English madam 😉


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