Home Newspaper Vocabulary Newspaper vocabulary words Afghan Educator Who Protest the Ban on Women in Universities

Newspaper vocabulary words Afghan Educator Who Protest the Ban on Women in Universities

by Vocabgram

An Afghan educator Ismail Mashal tore up his degrees and certificates on live television to protest the ban on women in universities. He argued that watching books and pens from our mothers and sisters will lead to crimes, poverty, and humiliation. He said he would continue his protest at the cost of his life. In a conservative and patriarchal society, a man is protesting for women’s rights. Dawn news published an article, covering this news and I selected 12 Newspaper vocabulary words from that article and explained them in this lesson. If you are preparing for a competitive exam, this lesson will help you. Newspaper Vocabulary Words with Urdu Meaning learning this video lesson will help you read the Newspaper without any confusion.

1. Cause the storm          (Phrase)


To cause an angry or excited reaction from a large number of people

2. Tear up  (Phrasal verb)


To tear a paper into small pieces

3. Outburst         (Noun)


A sudden release of strong emotion

4. Patriarchal      (Adjective)


       Relating to a system of society or government leading by men

5. Snatch   (Verb)


To pull or take something away quickly

6. Humiliation    (Noun)


The feeling of being ashamed or losing respect

7. Impose  (Noun)


To force something on someone

8. Dismiss  (Noun)


To decide something/someone is not important or worth considering

9. Segregate       (Verb)


To keep something apart from another

10. So far   (Phrase)


Up to this time

11. Look down on       (Phrasal verb)


To consider something is less important and doesn’t deserve

12. Barred (Adjective)


Blocked from entrances

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