Home Grammar Prepositional Phrases in English – Prepositional Phrases PDF

Prepositional Phrases in English – Prepositional Phrases PDF

by Vocabgram

What are Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional phrases are groups of words in a sentence that function together to provide additional information about other elements in the sentence. They consist of a preposition, which is a word that indicates the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence, and an object, which is usually a noun or pronoun that follows the preposition. Prepositional phrases can function as adjectives or adverbs within a sentence.

Important Prepositional Phrases In English

1.   In spite of

Explanation: “In spite of” is a prepositional phrase used to introduce a contrast or contradiction. It indicates that something happens or is true despite the presence of obstacles, challenges, or adverse conditions. It is similar in meaning to “despite” or “regardless of.”


Now, here are ten example sentences using “In spite of”:


1.       In spite of the heavy rain, they decided to go for a hike.

2.       He passed the exam in spite of not studying the night before.

3.       In spite of his fear of heights, he climbed to the top of the mountain.

4.       She remained calm in spite of the chaotic situation unfolding around her.

5.       In spite of his busy schedule, he always finds time to volunteer at the local shelter.

6.       The team won the championship in spite of losing their star player to an injury.

7.       In spite of her financial struggles, she remained optimistic about her future.

8.       The project was completed on time in spite of encountering numerous obstacles along the way.

9.       In spite of his lack of experience, he was offered the job based on his impressive interview performance.

10.   The old house had a charming appeal in spite of its worn-out appearance.


2.   Instead of

Explanation: “Instead of” is a prepositional phrase used to indicate a preference for an alternative option or course of action. It suggests that one thing is chosen or done in place of another, often implying a replacement or alternative choice.


Example sentences:


1.       She decided to walk to work instead of taking the bus.

2.       He bought a blue shirt instead of a red one.

3.       They went to the park for a picnic instead of going to the movies.

4.       She ordered a salad instead of a burger.

5.       They decided to stay in and watch a movie instead of going out to dinner.


“Instead of” is a versatile phrase used to express the act of choosing one option over another, often implying a substitution or alternative course of action.

3.   In addition to

Explanation: “In addition to” is a prepositional phrase used to add further information to what has already been stated. It indicates that something else is being included along with what was previously mentioned.


Example sentences:


1.       In addition to her regular duties, she also volunteered to help with the event planning.

2.       In addition to studying for her exams, she also worked part-time at a café.

3.       In addition to the cake, they served ice cream and cookies at the party.

4.       In addition to the main course, they offered a variety of appetizers and side dishes.

5.       In addition to his salary, he received a bonus for his outstanding performance.


“In addition to” is used to introduce supplementary information or items, expanding on what has already been mentioned and providing further context or detail.


4.   On Top Of

Explanation: “On top of” is a prepositional phrase that indicates addition or accumulation. It is often used to describe something being added to an existing situation or condition, often implying an increase in intensity, burden, or quantity.


Example sentences:


1.       She was already stressed about her exams, and on top of that, she had to deal with a family emergency.


2.       On top of his regular workload, he was assigned an extra project to complete by the end of the week.


3.       They were already running late, and on top of that, they got stuck in traffic.


4.       On top of the financial difficulties they were facing, they also had to cope with health issues.


5.       On top of his demanding job, he volunteered at a local charity organization in the evenings.


In each of these examples, “on top of” is used to emphasize the addition of something extra or supplementary to an existing situation, often highlighting an increase in complexity, burden, or responsibility.

5.   In front of

Explanation: “In front of” is a prepositional phrase used to describe the position of something relative to another object, typically with the object being closer to the observer. It indicates that something is located ahead or before another object or reference point.


Example sentences:

1.       The cat sat in front of the fireplace, basking in the warmth.

2.       The restaurant is located in front of the park, offering a scenic view for diners.

3.       She parked her car in front of the house, making it easy to unload groceries.

4.       The children lined up in front of the stage, eager to perform in the school play.

5.       The store’s display window showcased the latest fashion trends in front of passersby on the street.

“In front of” is used to specify the spatial relationship between objects or locations, indicating that one thing is positioned ahead of or before another thing.


6.   With regard to

Explanation: “With regard to” is a prepositional phrase used to introduce a topic or subject under consideration. It is often employed to shift the focus of conversation to a specific aspect or issue.


Example sentences:


1.       With regard to your question about the schedule, the meeting will be held at 10:00 AM tomorrow.

2.       The manager provided updates with regard to the company’s financial performance during the quarterly meeting.

3.       With regard to your application for the position, we will be conducting interviews next week.

4.       The teacher gave feedback with regard to the students’ progress in the language course.

5.       The report highlighted key findings with regard to consumer preferences in the market.

“With regard to” is often used in formal or professional contexts to introduce specific topics or matters of consideration, allowing for a clear transition to the subject being discussed.


7.   On behalf of

Explanation: “On behalf of” is a prepositional phrase used to indicate that someone is acting as a representative or in a delegated capacity for someone else or a group of people. It implies that the action being taken or the statement being made is done on the authority or in the interest of another party.


Example sentences:

1.       She accepted the award on behalf of her team, thanking everyone for their hard work.

2.       The CEO issued a statement on behalf of the company, apologizing for the inconvenience caused by the product recall.

3.       He signed the contract on behalf of his elderly mother, who was unable to attend the meeting.

4.       The diplomat negotiated the treaty on behalf of his country, aiming to establish peaceful relations with neighboring nations.

5.       The lawyer spoke on behalf of the defendant during the trial, presenting evidence and arguments in their defense.

“On behalf of” is commonly used to denote representation or authorization, indicating that someone is acting or speaking for another person or entity.


8.   For the sake of

Explanation: “For the sake of” is a prepositional phrase used to indicate that an action is done or a decision is made in consideration of someone or something, often emphasizing the importance of that person or thing. It implies that the action is motivated by a desire to benefit or protect the well-being or interests of the person or thing mentioned.


Example sentences:


1.       She decided to compromise for the sake of family harmony.

2.       He sacrificed his own ambitions for the sake of his children’s future.

3.       The team members worked late into the night for the sake of completing the project on time.

4.       They decided to relocate for the sake of better opportunities.

5.       She apologized for the sake of maintaining their friendship.


“For the sake of” is often used to express consideration, concern, or a willingness to make sacrifices in order to achieve a particular goal or maintain a relationship or principle.

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